Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The trailer

We began shooting the trailer today.
During the next couple of days we'll shoot som exterior inserts that will be used both in the trailer, and possibly in the feature film. Over the next few weeks, we'll shoot some scenes with some of the characters from the movie.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The part of MMB goes to..

.. Well, it's not decided yet. We forgot to post something here the previous Wednesday. We will let you know when we know. It's damned difficult. So long fans!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Constructing a teaser

We will finally shoot a real teaser in a short time.

At this moment we're making a mock teaser using images from the storyboard, to easier know what scenes, or takes, we'll shoot later. We are timing the images, cutting them as we would cut the real teaser. When we are satisfied with the drawn version, we'll go out to shoot the real one. It will feature the lead actors, some awesome images, and Paolo's mindblowing musical score.

Maybe even the our new logo. Stay tuned!

Friday, March 09, 2007

The script doctor

We recieved a treatment on the first 15 pages of the script today from our "script doctor".
After the final audition next week, we'll have a meeting with him and talk about the changes, and future collaboration on the rest of the script. We will tell you more about this when everything is figured out next week.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Soundtrack status

Paolo Vinaccia is working on some really great music ideas for the movie.
We had a listen to a few samples today, and it made our skin crawl. We're not going to give it away, but it's very original and organic. It's something you haven't heard before. It will blow you away! No kidding.

We will feature the music in the teaser due in a few weeks, after casting "The Man with the Bag".

Final audition

We are down to three persons in the final round of the auditions.

Next week we will go through some different scenes with them, and finally pick the one to portrait the dreaded "Man with the Bag", Børre's arch-nemesis.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Audition status

Primary audtitions are done.

Tomorrow we will look at all the tapes and see if we need to re-audition some of the guy's, in a slightly different setting.
Everyone that tried out for the part did a very good job, so it's a difficult decision to make. We'll let you know when we got our man.

Don't forget our guestbook and please add us as your friend on MySpace.