Saturday, February 25, 2006

Promo update

Two new teaser-posters are up in the images section!
Check them out here!

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Composer

Johnny Withnail Gonzales
is attached to compose some
of the music in the movie.

More info on that later.

And yeah, 51 pages of screenplay today.

Still going strong!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Script update

We now have 45 pages written of the first draft.
We're halfway home! (in the first draft that is)

The second draft will be easier. The dialogue?
..well, we'll work harder on that in the final draft.

So, what's it all about?

We will soon post the synopsis of the script.

Keep watching these pages!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

"Prequel" posters

This is the posters for the two "prequels" :
"The Interrogation" and "The Man with the Bag".

Both of those short films will be featured, in one way
or another, in the movie "Børre". Keep an eye open!

Friday, February 17, 2006

"Sajjad" is cast!

Børre's friend Sajjad will be played by Sajjad Aynoddin.

A picture will be posted later.

Another "behind the scenes" clip

Some footage from this week.

We were writing on the screenplay and improvising some more dialogue.

It's still really bad, the dialogue.

"Hildur" is cast!

Karina Ofrim will play the role of "Hildur".
(The name will probably be changed).

We can't tell you to much about
this character, or what she will do.

Exclusive music-clip!

Welll, actually it's only a ringtone from a cellphone
that one of the characters will use.

Take a listen to it -> dildeewan

You will hopefully think it's funny when you see the movie.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Script update

We have now written 30 pages.

A couple of new characters have been added, and some scenes has been moved around.
We hope to have about 90 pages of the first draft ready in a few weeks.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The chat-room

We just added a chatroom to the site.

Stop by if you like, and maybe you will meet one or both of us there.
It's a free chatroom, so there will be annoying ad's, and there can only
be 10 people there at the time, but that's probably enough.

We'll see how it works out.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Getting somewhere

We are now about ten pages into the
first draft of the screenplay.
It may not sound very impressive, but there's a lot of dialogue and scenes
that are pretty hard to describe.

None of us are professionals at this remember.

The two of us are having a good time never the less, and hope to finish the first draft in about a month.

In the second draft we will go on to the painstaking task of modifying the dialogue, which at this time is pretty bad, and extend some scenes. We have already done modifications to the short story, the rather long synopsis we wrote.

The second draft will be much more fun to write, filling in the holes.
This first draft is more like a scetch, a basis.

We''ll continue keeping you up to date as we progress.

*The next script update will be published by the end of this week.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Don't forget to check out our IMAGES section!
Here we will publish promo material, behind the scenes photographs,
photos of the cast and crew etc.

We also have a Fan-Art section. Please e-mail you're artwork to us.
If you want to use pictures found on our site to create your art, feel free,
but please keep us informed and send us the result.

Everything is welcome as long as it's related to KalkunRegimet/"Børre".

Thursday, February 09, 2006

RSS feed

Click the RSS Feed button in your browser and you will
subscribe to this news section.

You can also get updates by e-mail if you're browser don't
support RSS. Just enter your e-mail adress in the field at the
right side of the screen.

Thank you!

Thank's to everyone that have visited our site so far!
We hope you keep checking back and continue your support.

After 3 weeks we've had visitors from Norway, Estonia, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, The UK, Ireland, Australia, Sierra Leone, Italy, Canada, Finland, Holland, USA, New Zealand and Venezuela. Sorry if we forgot anyone!

Thanks again for you're support.

Kim and Shahbaz


Video clip of Kim and Shahbaz
testing out some dialogue in the mirror.

Click on the picture to view the goodies.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The first few pages

"Female jogger" is cast!

Anita Linnerud will portrait the jogger
and she will also take care of the coreography of some sequences in the movie.

Anita is a Tae Kwon Do, Kick Boxing and Thai Boxing expert.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Writing the first draft

We have now sharpened our pencils, and tomorrow we start to write the first draft of the screenplay.

The six page story on which it's based are now ready, after our test panel has made their remarks.

Some changes had to be done, but here we go!

"The Boss" is cast!

Mats Spång will play Børre's
nasty swedish boss.

He's looking forward to portraying the character, and we are looking forward to his performance. It will be great!

Thank's Mats!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Screwed sent us their EP Between the Pure.

We will listen to it and have it under consideration.
Adding music is still pretty far into the future, put please send us your stuff, whatever stuff that may be.

We do appreciate it!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Børre is cast!

This is the guy who will portrait "Børre"!

His name is Pål Grinden, and he is 32 years old. A few years ago he had a lead role in Kalkunterror's Killer project, but it never got finished.
That will not happen this time!

He played the hero in the norwegian
"Kebab Western" A Fistful of Kebab.

Check out the website for his band - Joe Sparky!

*Update - Cosmopolite

Cosmopolite's beautiful re-designed website is now online.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Location #1 - Cosmopolite

Our deepest gratitude goes to Ania and Miloud, the owner's of Norway's best scene for Jazz, World Music and more! Cosmopolite.
They gave us the greenlight to shoot some key scenes in the movie on their premises, and the place looks great!

Please visit their re-designed website at and check out their great concert line-up and more!
(it may not be online yet when this is written, but we will tell you when it is.)

Update on!

The link is fixed! Thanks again Gorezone!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Behind the Scenes

An exclusive look at the brainstorming
+ a look at one of the locations
from the movie.

The movie is still in pre-production.

Check-out the video section.

Our first setback! Probably not the last..

We failed to get a permission to shoot at one of the locations we wanted.

Our contact person, Mats, did what he could, but it just was not possible.
Now we must rewrite some parts of the script. But there is no real crisis.

We will have to come up with a different location to shoot Børre's workplace.

The tagline!

A serial killer movie with a twist.

Børre is lonely. He scratches his balls. He smokes pot. He loves porn.
He hates his boss!
There is a killer on the loose. Their paths will cross ..
.. and all hell will break loose!